My Education

Carnegie Mellon - Current

I'm currently studying at Carngie Mellon University (CMU), studying Computer Science, Game Design, and Animation. I'm very active in school clubs and activities, and work as the Recording Secretary of the CMU KGB, and the Director of Development of the CMU Game Creation Society. Aside from being the Director of Development, I'm also very active as a regular member of the GCS, and have worked on and led game projects every semester that I have been at CMU.

My coursework is split between CS theory, practical application, and design, and I always work to create bridges between my coding and design courses. To read more about my coursework, click here!

QPA: 3.63

Yale University

In 2017, I spent a summer in New Haven, Connecticut, doing summer courses at Yale. I studied Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Environmental Science.

GPA: 4.00

Stanford University

In 2016, I spent the summer doing a summer program in Biomechanics and Biofluid dynamics at Stanford. The program involved learning the basics of biophsysics and fluid dynamics, and then moved to constructing experiments to test these theories. I took slow-motion capture of hissing cockroaches, spiders, butterflies, ladybugs, and various other small animals, and then decomposed the videos to study the forces acting on the subjects.

Once models had been developed of the animals motions and forces, hypotheses were constructed and tested against the data. My group studied the gaits and movement patterns of small, non-aquatic arthopods, and looked for similarities between them. At the end of the program, the students held a semi-formal syposium where we presented our data and findings to each other and our professors.

University of Washington

In 2015, I did a program at the University of Washington studying Game Design and Animation. The course focused on teaching us the principles of design and animation, and culminated with us ideating and creating small games. Additionally, we visted multiple game studios, and interviewed with professionals in the industry to learn more about the field.


From 2014 to 2018, I attented Bethlehem High School in Bardstown, Kentucky.

  • Noteable Highschool Accomplishments
  • Completed more AP classes than anyone in the history of the school
  • Received multiple perfect scores on the ACT, and had a 1570 SAT score
  • Active on the Academic team, Tennis team, and helped to found the Robotics club
  • 4.00 GPA